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Wednesday 28 April 2010

Level 3 Diploma Sitework

Replacing broken tiles - part of the level 3 Carpentry and Joinery Sitework option

Level 3 Diploma benchwork

From the top:
gluing up sections to form the head and cill of a circular bay window
clamping up the sections in former to make the curved sections
fitting the jambs and mullions

Diploma end test results

Diploma end test. Are looking really positive considering this is the first year that 2nd yr and 3rd yr students have sat this on-line test, with no prior knowledge of its content by the staff teaching on the courses. We have a high number of distinctions, as well as merits and passes. Not bad eh!!!!

Chisel manufacture

Check out this link to youtube it is quite a good video clip from the Discovery channel about making chisels